If the Cumberland Public Libraries do not own an item that you wish to borrow, we may be able to borrow it for you from another library system. This service is free to Cumberland County residents unless the other library charges a fee, in which case this cost will be passed on to the user. Interlibrary loans are not available to out-of-Province library users.

For more information, contact us at  interlibrary.loans@cumberlandpubliclibraries.ca

Interlibrary Loan Policy

If the Cumberland Public Libraries does not have an item that a patron requests, we will try to obtain it for the patron through the Interlibrary loan system.

Interlibrary loan service is only available to patrons from Cumberland County.

If the requested material is obtained from another library, the patron will be notified and have one week to pick up the material before it is returned to the lending library.

Patrons will be notified if we are unable to obtain the requested material.

Interlibrary loan periods are set by the owning library.

Interibrary loan materials may not be renewed unless permission has been granted by the library that owns the material. Renewals can only be done through the Interlibrary loan Coordinator.

Interlibrary loans are subject to the same overdue fines as materials owned by the Cumberland Regional Library.

Abuse of the Interlibrary loan system can lead to the loss of inter-library loan privileges.

Any cost from a lending institution will be passed on to the borrower.

If a patron loses an interlibrary loan item, they will be subject to the replacement fees set by the library that owns the item.

The Cumberland Public Libraries will interlibrary loan most materials to other libraries. The following restrictions apply:

  • CPL will lend new items but priority is given to our region’s requests.
  • CPL will interlibrary loan reference material for use in borrowing library only.
  • Interlibrary loans may be renewed twice, providing there is not a request/hold placed on the item

Revised February 2014