All of the Cumberland Public Libraries provide FREE access to computers and the Internet. Computer use is subject to the library’s rules and guidelines.

To ensure the availability of a computer, users may book an Internet session at the library where the workstation is located.

  • A patron must have a library card to use one of the computers unless he/she is just visiting the area, in that case they must provide I.D.
  • Patrons using our Internet workstations must follow the Computer Guidelines and the Internet Code of Ethics.


All libraries have printers. The cost for printing is:

  • $0.25 per page for black & white
  • $1.00 per page for colour
Computer Guidelines

To make the computers accessible to all those who wish to use them, we ask you to abide by the following guidelines:

To use the public access computers in the library you must show your library card or a piece of picture identification and your account must not be blocked (i.e. owe more than $10.00 in fines and fees) and you must not have been banned from computer or library use.

You must abide be the Internet Code of Ethics. If a user does not abide by the Internet Code of Ethics , they may be barred from computer use. Loss of library privileges or exclusion from the library may also result.

Express computers can be booked for half hour sessions. Other computers can be booked for hour long sessions. If there is no one waiting to use a computer, patrons may remain on the computer longer than the hour. Staff make every effort to ensure that patrons are removed in the order in which they arrive however this may not always be possible.

No more than 2 people are permitted at the computers due to space limitations.

You may not use your own software programs on the library computer. This will help prevent computer viruses.

Printing costs $.025 per page in black & white or $1.00 per page in colour. Please pay at the circulation desk. Be warned that when you click on the print button, the entire document will print and not just what is on the screen. Please allow sufficient time to print.

Library staff will not act as trainers, but will be on-hand to assist whenever possible.

Revised April 2019

Internet Code of Ethics

The Cumberland Public Libraries’ mission is to promote life-long learning and recreation, fostering an appreciation of literature at all ages, by providing free access to the world of media and technology to the residents of Cumberland County . In fulfilling this mission CPL provides free public access to the Internet.

The internet is unregulated and users must be aware that information may not be accurate, reliable or current. The Library does not control the information accessed through the internet and assumes no responsibility for such information. Parents and guardians are responsible for children’s access to the internet just as they are responsible for a child’s access to all library materials and services.

All users of the library’s internet services are expected to do so in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which they are provided and are subject to the rules and regulations set out by the Cumberland Regional Library Board. The internet user is responsible for their activity and actions. A breach of the Library’s rules and policies may result in a suspension of computer use, loss of library privileges, or exclusion from the library.

Cumberland Public Libraries’ users are subject to federal, provincial and municipal legislation regulating internet use, including the provision of the Criminal Code regarding obscenity, child pornography, sedition and the incitement of hates. The use of the library’s internet access for illegal purposes is prohibited, and may result in prosecution.

Examples of Unacceptable Use of the Internet include, but are not limited to:

  • Using the Internet for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes.
  • Attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; seeking unauthorized access to components of any network or database.
  • Sending, receiving or displaying text or graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene.